Table Talk

A Parlia blog about why we think what we think


Welcome to Table Talk! To get us closer to answering the fundamental questions around our mission, we want to educate ourselves and our community with expert thought on the topics that will help us bring the world closer together, and inspire curiosity for the nature of ideas, opinions, civil discourse, argument, biases, and ways of thinking.

Ten Debates in Tech
October 20 2020
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Ten Debates in Science
October 13 2020
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Ten Debates in Literature
October 6 2020
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Ten Debates in History
September 30 2020
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Five Debates in Philosophy
September 23 2020
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The WAP debate
August 27 2020
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The Family Values debate
August 20 2020
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Long Read
My family is Jewish: does that make me white?
August 12 2020
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The idea of history: five perspectives
August 5 2020
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Long Read
What Writing to a Serial Killer Taught Me About White Fragility
July 29 2020
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Science and opinon: five perspectives
July 23 2020
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The psychology of public opinion
July 15 2020
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Fake news and misinformation: five perspectives
July 8 2020
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Decolonising knowledge: five perspectives
June 24 2020
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Cancel culture: five perspectives
June 18 2020
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Power and resistance: five perspectives
June 10 2020
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American institutional racism: five perspectives
June 3 2020
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Conspiracy theories and power: five perspectives
May 28 2020
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How technology is changing the way we think: five books
May 13 2020
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Perspectives on freedom: five books
May 8 2020
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Perspectives on white privilege: five books
April 29 2020
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Disagreement as opportunity: five ideas
April 21, 2020
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Society after coronavirus: five ideas
April 14, 2020
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The question of the resurrection
April 9, 2020
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Five maps to check out this week
March 26, 2020
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A Knowledge Project
March 25, 2020
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Five maps to explore while in self-isolation
March 8, 2020
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Welcome to Table Talk, a blog from Parlia
March 8, 2020
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Table Talk :: Archive :: Have ideas for a post? Contact us at

This page was last edited on Tuesday, 20 Oct 2020 at 11:01 UTC
