What is Parlia?

Parlia is a wiki. With you, we want to map the world’s opinions and ideas.

Where does the name Parlia come from?

We think of Parlia as the place where ‘parley’ happens.

We want to be a safe-haven on the Internet where people can calmly come to explore the world of opinions, some of which they’ll agree with, and others not.

What questions will you be exploring?

Parlia wants to cover everything. We believe ideas are best dissected out in the open.

How do you decide which questions to explore?

Parlia is a wiki, so everyone (you too) can suggest questions to map.

Do you explore all “opinions” no matter what?

We want to describe the world of opinion, not prescribe what’s right or wrong.

So our starting assumption is ‘Yes, we do want to cover all opinions out there’, as long as those opinions are fairly common and representative of the ideas of large groups of people. We want to reflect the landscape of ideas out there.

That said:

a) we believe in facts. So we will be building mechanisms to flag the factual validity of the opinions described on Parlia.

b) we feel a very real responsibility towards our readers, which means we will flag content that might be considered offensive.

How do you know when you’ve reached the limit of arguments?

We don’t. If you think there’s more to say, please say it.

How do you make sure the site is accurate?

Parlia is a platform: we rely on you, our readers and contributors, to help us improve as we go.

How do you handle opinions that are hateful, offensive, or factually wrong?

Parlia is building a series of filters to flag arguments that are factually invalid or offensive. You can already tag arguments as offensive or invalid.

Does Parlia have a political leaning?

Absolutely not, and we will do our best to ensure as much diversity of opinion exists on Parlia as exists in the world. Parlia begins from the simple conviction that all ideas should be interrogated, and are best examined in a calm, dispassionate way.

What appears on the Homepage?

We select maps internally to highlight those that may be newsworthy or interesting along with the latest edits and activity on the site.

Do you sell data on individuals?

We don’t sell individuals data.

We will never sell data on individuals or individual opinions. We may share aggregate data on opinion formation, but we will never work with political parties nor with oppressive governments.

Who owns Parlia?

Parlia is a startup. The majority shareholders are Parlia’s founders, Turi Munthe and J Paul Neeley. You can email us via hello@parlia.com

Where is the team based?

We’re based in London, UK. With a community of contributors around the world.

This page was last edited on Sunday, 4 Oct 2020 at 12:11 UTC
