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Were the moon landings faked?
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Astronauts could not survive the trip

It is not possible that astronauts could have survived the trip
Conspiracy Plot theory Space exploration
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There is evidence that outer space radiation would have severely affected the astronauts

The Argument

Apollo missions so far have been the only manned mission beyond Earth low orbit. In order to reach Moon space-ships had to cross Van Allen belts. The crossing could have been lethal, or at least would have permanently damaged the astronauts. Most astronauts did not develop health problems later on that could be related to that.

Counter arguments

The level of radiation of the Van Allen belts is not so high that cannot be crossed without proper shielding. Most probes and satellites do this on a regular basis.


Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Wednesday, 5 Feb 2020 at 12:07 UTC

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