Reading is better in private
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The best reading happens in the comfort of your own home
Reading in the comfort of your own home makes it easier to get lost in and enjoy a good story. You are free to read as you please.
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The Argument
Whether it be in front of a fireplace or in a window seat, the privacy of reading in your own home promises the best reading experience. Everything about your reading experience is within your control--from what music is playing in the background to the temperature of the room. You can get the most out of your book by reading it at home because everything can be decided by you.
Plus, you don't have to worry about finding a spot in a coffee shop or what time the library closes. You can read whenever the urge hits.[1]
Counter arguments
Unless you live alone, it is too easy to get distracted while reading at home. It offers too much time for you to realize that other things need to be done and the free time you thought you had you actually don't.