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Should creationism be taught in schools?
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Darwin’s theory of evolution is a scientific law and should be taught in schools

As Darwin disproves creationism, it should not be taught in schools.
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The Argument

The theory of evolution by natural selection, first formulated in Darwin's book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859, is the process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioural traits. Changes that allow an organism to better adapt to its environment will help it survive and have more offspring. Evolution by natural selection is one of the best substantiated theories in the history of science, supported by evidence from a wide variety of scientific disciplines, including paleontology, geology, genetics and developmental biology.[1] Complexity is a constant theme in attacks on evolution: how can the random processes of evolution lead to a complex organ such as an eye? Random mutation on its own cannot achieve this. But the simple beauty of evolution is that while random mutation is a core component, it is useless without the creative power of natural selection, or as Darwin preferred to call it, differential survival. If a mutation gives you a characteristic that makes it less likely you will die and more likely to survive to reproduce, then through your offspring the frequency of that mutation will spread in the population.[2]

Counter arguments

Twentieth century Flood geology has sought to correct this error. Nevertheless, the stratigraphic extent of the Genesis Flood Event remains a major enigma and point of controversy among Flood geologists.[3]


[P1] The scientific principles of evolution disprove creationism. [P2] Something proven to be untrue should not be taught in schools.

Rejecting the premises

[Rejecting P1] Intelligent Design is also a scientific theory.


This page was last edited on Thursday, 1 Oct 2020 at 07:33 UTC

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