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Is working from home better than working from an office?
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It is difficult to unplug when working remotely

Since there is no separation in work and home life, people who work from home often have trouble unplugging and relaxing after completing their work for the day, which can result in burnout.

The Argument

Those who work from home often struggle with unplugging and relaxing after work. Since there is no separation between home and work life, employees feel like they have to keep busier. People who work from home work longer because they feel the need to since they are not constantly supervised and they do not have a set schedule.[1] Always feeling 'at work' will cause an employee to burnout, which will affect their mental health and job performance. Burnout can cause a person to be more tired and less motivated to do their job because there feel as if they're constantly engaged at work. Working in a traditional office space eliminates the possibility of overwork since employees can unplug and relax when they leave for the day.

Counter arguments

Even when working from home, it is possible to unplug and relax after work. By creating a specific time and place to complete work, employees are able to separate their job from home life. Additionally, creating a schedule will keep people focused on their job and build the sensation of being productive. Then, people will be able to comfortably unplug and relax after completing their work instead of feeling exhausted.



[P1] Remote workers struggle to unplug after work. [P2] People who work from home do more work because they feel the need to constantly keep busy. [P3] Being unable to unplug after work will cause burnout. [P4] Therefore, working from home is not better than a traditional office.

Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Friday, 29 May 2020 at 01:38 UTC

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