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Have emojis changed the world?
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Emoji use reflects the contexts and identities of their users.

Research shows that emoji use between different populations reflects social, cultural and other contextual specificities unique to each group.
communication culture emojis emotions geography
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Emojis are used differently by different cultural populations, despite these groups having access to the same limited number of emojis. This indicates that the way emojis are used - and therefore any influence they have - is dependent on existing bonds and forms of communication.

The Argument

In 2016, researchers at the universities of Michigan and Peking ran a study into the use of emojis in different parts of the world. Contrary to expectations, their findings revealed that different types of societies use emojis differently. Specifically, the way they are used reflects cultural and attitudinal distinctions between different population types. For example, societies with high levels of individualism are more likely to use emojis that reflect 'happiness'. Conversely, societies that have much closer social bonds use emojis with negative connotations more frequently.

Counter arguments

The same patterns emerge in studies of language, and how phrases and 'positive' or 'negative' words are used by different populations. Emojis are indicative of user identities, the same way that any type of communication is.


[P1] Different populations have unique ways of communicating with each other [P2] Different populations have distinctive patterns of emoji use [P3] Emojis are defined by their users and contexts

Rejecting the premises

[Rejecting P3] Different patterns of emoji use does not necessitate that emojis are defined by the identities of their users.


This page was last edited on Wednesday, 8 Jul 2020 at 11:07 UTC

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