Banning school books is an attack on freedom of speech and expression
The First Amendment gives everyone the right to hear all sides of an issue to make their own conclusions and judgments. Banning books infringes upon this right by preventing a person from receiving and interpreting ideas. This prevents a meaningful exercise of our freedom of speech and expression.
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The Argument
Book banning infringes upon the right to free speech and expression. Children cannot fully express themselves when they have restrictions about what kind of content to read.
The First Amendment protects the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Speaking and writing are critical in education, and having restrictions against books should be a violation of the First Amendment.[1]
Just because a school (or official within a school) does not agree with a book does not mean it should be restricted for all students. Every child is different, and therefore there should not be restrictions on what content is acceptable to read.[2]
Counter arguments
Books should not be considered a part of the Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Expression. Reading is technically not essential to speech or expression since neither requires the written word. There are other means of expressing oneself besides reading choice, so should not be included within the First Amendment.
[P1] The First Amendment of the United States grants freedom of speech and expression.
[P2] Banning books violates the First Amendment.
Rejecting the premises
[Rejecting P2] Banning books is not in violation of the First Amendment.