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Should children's toys be gendered?
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Gender-specific toys accurately cater to their demographic

Gender-specific toys are harmless because they appeal to natural differences between girls and boys.

The Argument

Girls and boys are different. Naturally, boys gravitate towards play that fosters movement and aggression, while girls prefer sedentary and appearance-focused activities. [1] The toy industry does not cater to unfair stereotypes relating to girls and boys. Rather, toymakers simply profit from the inherent differences between each sex. Requiring toy manufacturers to produce gender-neutral toys is unfair because they do not create differences between each gender. They simply profit from these differences.

Counter arguments

Humans are diverse creatures. It is foolish to assume that all children conform perfectly to narrow gender stereotypes. By marketing highly gendered toys, toy manufacturers make children who do not practice these stereotypes feel limited to playing with only certain toys.



[P1] The gender stereotypes governing distinctions between girls and boys' toys are accurate and natural.

Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Saturday, 23 May 2020 at 18:51 UTC

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