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Will China Become the next Super Power?
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The influence of media and technology in the United States it too significant to overcome

China's present inability to crack the American influence on media and technology means that it will struggle to extend its influence. Even if they try, the US will undermine their efforts by increasing scrutiny on the authoritarianism of China.

The Argument

Across the globe, US media and tech reigns supreme. The global popularity of American films, television, and music makes it an incredibly difficult bubble for China to crack. With most of these media properties controlled by companies and investors in the West, China is entering a densely populated market and will likely struggle to establish legitimacy. The debate over Chinese telecoms company Huawei highlights some of China's barriers. While parts of Europe have been willing to let the company sell products and build infrastructure, the US has been firm in its refusal to let the company gain a presence.[1] Instead, the US has opted for more established companies to maintain their hold on the infrastructure and sales of tech in the country. Even if China does gain a foothold, it will be vulnerable, as the US will likely increase scrutiny of the authoritarian practices within the country.[2] The US would need to point out human rights abuses, the lack of democracy, and shady financial practices that China regularly engages in. With all this in mind, it will be difficult for a global market to welcome China with arms wide open.

Counter arguments

China is making a play to infiltrate global media and technology infrastructure. They have continued to invest in media outlets in North America and Europe in efforts to change the external narratives about China.[3] This may take time since the West has well-established media systems, but in more developing countries within Africa and the rest of Asia, China can establish a powerful presence in the global narrative. Their sales performance in some major European countries, such as the UK and Germany underline their push for tech influence as well. In 2019, Huawei was not far behind Apple and Samsung in sales on the continent.[4] Furthermore, with growing criticism and skepticism over mass media in the US, China may have ample opportunity to establish themselves as an alternative to the growing partisanship within the US media infrastructure.



[P1] The US has a relative monopoly on media and tech, in terms of global reach and influence. [P2] China has too many liabilities to establish a prominent global media and tech presence.

Rejecting the premises

[Rejecting P1] If China infiltrates media and tech infrastructure both within and without the US-European bubble, they can establish global prominence. [Rejecting P2] The US public has growing skepticism over the trustworthiness of the media, so Chinese media may not feel much different.


This page was last edited on Thursday, 3 Sep 2020 at 05:31 UTC

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