Kneeling is disrespectful and rude
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Kneeling is disrespectful to the people who have fought and died for the country
America might not be perfect, but that is not the fault of the soldiers and fighters that the flag and the anthem are meant to commemorate. Kneeling protests against the wrong people.
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The Argument
Police brutality might be a problem, but it is deeply ironic that people whose free speech comes from their American citizenship are using their speech to disrespect America. The fact that America is a free country, that someone can speak out against the government in such a public setting by disrespecting such an important symbol of the country simply shows how many freedoms have already been afforded to the American people, and how much all Americans owe to their government and to the country of America. The American flag doesn’t just represent the racists and bigots that make up a small portion of Americans. The national anthem was written during the War of 1812, and the American flag was first commissioned for the Revolutionary War. During the Civil War, it represented the hope that the country could unite once again, and the original flag itself survived multiple instances of defacing to emerge as the united, untattered symbol of America.[1][2] The flag and anthem’s very origin is about protecting the country, about protecting liberty, and about protecting freedom. This is a principle and an ideal worthy of respect, especially for the people who enjoy America’s liberty every day.[3]
But in addition, the waving of the flag before football games is also meant to celebrate the veterans of American wars. These are people who never meant for racism to happen in their countries, who had nothing to do with the police brutality in the country. Kneeling during pre-game anthems also disrespects the veterans who have fought hard for America, and that is unacceptable.[4]
Counter arguments
What the American flag means to different people should be self-defined. Some people see the American flag as a representation of their veteran family members, of the countries and values that they respect, of the country that they believe has protected them. But just as everyone feels different emotions after hearing the national anthem play, everyone can have different responses to the pre-game ceremony. Even Drew Brees, the original footballer who made the contents about the irony of using liberty to complain about lack of liberty, apologized and realized how insensitive his comments were.[5] In a country where a black person walking down a street is three times more likely to be killed by police than a white person, and where 98.3% of killings by police from 2013-2020 have resulted in the officer not being charged for the crime, it is completely fair for Kaepernick and others to see police violence as the most important issue in America and as what America seems like to him.[6] How on interacts with the symbols of a country is their own choice, and Kaepernick had every right to not see his country as one that he respected.
[P1] The American flag and anthem represents the struggle for American liberty as well as the individuals who have fought to protect the country.
[P2] No one who enjoys living in the country should ever disrespect the American flag.
Rejecting the premises
[Rejecting P1] What the American flag and anthem represent is up to individual interpretation.
[Rejecting P2] Police violence has been bad enough to fully justify disrespect of the flag.