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Should the weight of fashion models be policed?
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Policing weight creates a healthier working environment

Models who are forced to be too thin by industry standards put their health at risk. Policing this practice protects them from unhealthy demands on their weight.
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The Argument

Modeling is a job for those in the fashion industry, and if the weight of the models is policed, they will experience a more positive working environment. Policing weight requirements would prevent agencies from telling their models they need to lose weight or have surgery to have a job. According to Vogue, 54% percent of the models canvassed were told they needed to lose weight, or they wouldn't find another job. As modelling is their job, they feel as if they are obliged to lose weight, and this creates a negative working environment.[1] An editor claimed the ideal body shape is one on the brink of hospitalization, which creates an unfavorable environment for the models and viewers.[2]

Counter arguments

Models are independent contractors and do not need to follow the same norms for work environments that regularly employed workers do. They are signed by an agency and rely on headshots that are given for specific shows. This is what gives them the chance to model for specific designers.


[P1] Fashion models feel the need to lose weight or medically change their bodies to become the best in their field. [P2] Implementing standards for their body weight would ensure that they have a safer working environment.

Rejecting the premises

[Rejecting P1] Models do not work for a certain company and do not need to follow specific rules and regulations standard companies provide.


This page was last edited on Sunday, 7 Jun 2020 at 17:38 UTC

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