Feminism should be sex-positive
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Pornography can liberate women from traditional representations
The idea that pornography is violence against women' can be seen as code for the neo-Victorian idea that men want sex and women endure it. Pornography challenges the ideas that women do not enjoy sex, or only enjoy 'vanilla' sex or sex in relationships. In addition, pornography sometimes shows women in sexually dominant roles and presents women with a greater variety of body types than are typical of mainstream entertainment and fashion. Anti-pornography feminists are also critiqued as intolerant of sexual difference and is characterized as often indiscriminately supporting state censorship policy and are accused of complicity with conservative sexual politics and Christian Right groups.
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The Argument
Pornography allows for an escape from the outdated misconceptions about women and sex. Traditionally, women were supposed to be seen as uninterested in sex. If they portrayed too much curiosity or interest, they could be labelled as promiscuous. It was clear that a woman’s interest in sex was to be strictly for the purpose of procreation, the pleasure was for men alone.[1] Pornography allows for a new perspective on sex and gives women the opportunity to free their repressed sexuality.
Instead of reinforcing the traditional views that women only engage in sex for romance, to please their partner, and to have children, pornography introduces the modern concept that sex can simply be enjoyed as it is.[1] Pornography allows women to redefine themselves through exploring their sexuality without shame.[2]
Counter arguments
Many anti-pornography feminists believe that pornography actually keeps women in their traditional roles instead of freeing them. This sect of feminists believe that pornography was created to objectify women, and that women in pornography are simply sexual objects to the men.
[3] These feminists believe that pornography is simply a perpetuation of traditional gender roles, and that the female experience is not accurately displayed.