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Which is the best voting system?
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Proportional Representation values voices from all regions of a country

Proportional representation tracks votes based on regional preference, not the total number of votes. This system ensures that all voices are heard, especially those in rural or underrepresented areas.


In proportional representation voting, elected legislators cast votes as a representative of the region. Several western countries use adaptations of proportional representation such as the American electoral college system and the British Parliament.[1]

The Argument

Proportional representation gives equitable voting power to all regions within a country. The system ensures that voter opinions are valued in both rural and metropolitan areas. As a result, proportional representation is the best voting system because it accounts for the voices of voters in all regions. [1] With popular vote systems such as ranked-choice or approval voting, the populous regions would have the most voting power. Candidates would focus their policies on appeasing large, metropolitan areas, which are generally left-leaning. Candidates would disregard rural communities because their low populations would not have a major impact on the total vote. [2] In a proportional representation system, votes are appointed based on regional favor, not the total popular vote. Candidates would instead focus on gaining support from all regions of a country rather than just the heavily populated areas. [2] Because the proportional representation system values the voices of all regions of a country, it is the best voting system. The system is more equitable than popular voting systems, which are known for being one-sided.

Counter arguments

In the proportional representation system, the outcomes of a few swing states have the biggest impact on the whole election. Typical blue states will likely remain blue, while typical red states will likely remain red. As a result, candidates focus on the few states that swing between red and blue. In addition, individual voters in swing states hold more potential on the outcome of the election when compared to voters in stable regions. This key flaw of proportional representation has caused many to classify this system as undemocratic. [3]



Rejecting the premises


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