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What is dark matter?
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Scientists cannot see dark matter

Scientists haven't been able to detect dark matter either through experimentation at labs or through observation in the sky or underground. Scientists should not look for hidden dark matter, but rather modify the laws of gravity to account for it.
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The Argument

Over the past half-century, no one has ever detected a single dark matter particle. Scientists conducted so many experiments with powerful and sensitive experiments and searched in the Antarctic and in abandoned mines. Also, they tried to make dark matter particles in accelerators in the lab. Scientists came up empty-handed after all these experiments. The right option to consider is not to look for hidden dark matter, but to modify the laws of gravity. Scientists proposed that gravity acts differently on a normal scale than on a large scale, like on stars. Some scientists want to adjust Newton’s second law which states that applying force on an object will lead to higher acceleration. Adjusting this law may invoke dark matter and explain why the stars far away from the sun rotate at an equal or higher rate than the stars closer to the sun. Numerous papers have shown that the laws of gravity can be modified to yield exactly the behavior we see in stars and galaxies.[1]

Counter arguments

Changing the laws of gravity is very difficult provided that ample theoretical and experimental data support Einstein's theory of relativity. Scientists' proposition to change Newton's second law of motion is also a huge undertaking because of the vast applications of this law in physics. [2]



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Tuesday, 20 Oct 2020 at 21:30 UTC