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Should we boycott Facebook because of Cambridge Analytica?
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Slowly wean off Facebook

Encouraging users to wean off of Facebook over time rather than deleting it straight away will allow users to break away from the platform without losing the connections they have made.


Most people gradually reduce their usage an move away from Facebook. This helps people not truncate immediately their relationship.

The Argument

While many people don't remember why they joined Facebook in the first place, they do remember why they are weaning off it now. Those who leave the platform reveal interesting trends that hint at how future relationships with smart technology and social media will play out. [1] It allows them to discover other social media that's safe to use and less time-consuming. They don't feel "addicted" to such applications and can go on hours without checking their phone for updates. Digital detoxing or "Facebook vacations" are trends that encourage one to leave their phone behind during a walk or refrain using the site for a certain period. Such trends happen because people often found themselves constantly reaching for their phones to check their Facebook for updates.[2] Weaning off Facebook does not necessarily add to boycotting it for stealing data, but it is the first step in encouraging users to recognize its impact on their lives.

Counter arguments

In our digital age, where we stay connected with friends and relatives through social media, it can lead to one feeling left out from their circle. The constant fear of missing out can lead to loneliness and emotional instability. The platform allows people to stay in touch with friends who are countries away and it also offers opportunities for users to sign for events and stay up-to-date with the seasonal festivities around them. [3]



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This page was last edited on Saturday, 19 Sep 2020 at 14:08 UTC

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