Should birth control be free?

Birth control has many positive impacts, including pregnancy prevention, protection from STDs, and allowing regulation of the menstrual cycle. However, these products can cost large amounts of money, the onus of payment for which is generally on women. Should these products be free, or should they cost money?

Yes, birth control should be free

Women should not have to pay to prevent pregnancy.

Birth control has health benefits

Birth control is not just about regulating pregnancy, it's about quality of life.

Birth control costs too much

Something so critical to so many people should not cost an arm and a leg.

Abortions will be reduced

Allowing women free access to birth control will reduce the number of abortions.

Birth control is a human right

Women should have the ability to control their own bodies.

No, birth control should not be free

Access to birth control is not as simple as making it free.

Making birth control free would be too costly

Both for taxpayers and users, the cost would be too much.

Incentive to create safe methods of birth control decreases

Making birth control free decreases motivation to research new high-quality and safe methods.

We cannot make those who object on religious grounds pay

Religious objection is important to many, and passing the cost onto those who reject on religious grounds is morally wrong.

Some forms of birth control should be free

Items like condoms should be free, but others should cost money.

Condoms are easy to access

Condoms can be carried in almost every kind of store and do not require a prescription, providing ease of access.
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