Yes, childhood is a key factor in who people are in adulthood. Traumatic events in childhood create phobias, likes and dislikes, and even core personality features. For example, children that are abused tend to be abusive parents. The flip side is also true, college students succeed more if they have support from their parents. Also, siblings come into play. Children with opposite-sex siblings tend to have happier marriages if they are wed to the opposite sex.
Yes, childhood experiences determine behavior later in life
It is clear that experiences in childhood encode and determine behavior later in adult life.
Childhood rearing and experience determines the future behaviour of person
The child's mind is like a wet clay. Parent, Society and overall environment moulds it's shape for future. the better the finishing the brighter the future, the better warmth provided the stronger the future. hence, childhood experiences do play a pivotal role in determining the behaviour in later life.
The treatment you receive as a child shapes your behaviour towards your health as an adult
The way in which you were treated as a child can impact your level of conscientiousness towards your health as an adult. The more you are treated to develop as a conscientious child, the less likely you are to abuse your health and vice versa.
Coming from a broken family results in the child forming unhealthy romantic relationships as an adult
People who grow up in loving and happy families tend to foster loving and happy families as adults. Conversely, research suggests that people who grow up in broken families tend to form unhealthy relationships.
The fundamental lessons you are taught as a child form the foundation of a person’s understanding of the world and relationships.
Research has shown that learning begins in infancy, and the lessons we learn and the relationships we have from childhood influence our view of the world for the rest of our lives.
Childhood trauma often results in irregular behavior and interpersonal difficulties in adults
Childhood trauma can have lifelong effects on the mental and emotional health of a person as they grow into adulthood. This kind of childhood experience can absolutely have negative impacts on an adult’s decisions later in life.
No, childhood experiences do not influence adult behavior
Behavior is a choice in the moment, not determined by past experience.
Every human has free will, so behavior as an adult is based on choice, despite childhood experience
Human beings have free will to make their own decisions. Some childhood experiences may influence a person’s feelings, but adults are mentally able to make decisions despite that.
Blaming your childhood experiences for the behavior and mistakes you make as an adult is just a scapegoat for not taking responsibility for yourself.
Plenty of people that have negative childhood experiences grow into perfectly stable and high-functioning adults. Blaming poor decisions on childhood is just a way to avoid taking responsibility for yourself and your actions.
You can challenge the beliefs that you formed as a child
The more you reflect on and understand your beliefs as a child, the more aware you become of your values and behaviours, making you capable enough to challenge and change them.
You are in control of changing self-limiting behaviour
The treatment of a child helps them develop core beliefs. These can be positive or negative. It is possible as an adult to change your self-limiting beliefs.
Childhood experiences influences, but does not determine adult behavior
The past can form reactions to the present but it is not deterministic of adult behavior.
Early year parent-child relationships influence future academic performance
The relationship that a parent develops with their child within their early years, and the environment in which the child grows up, has been shown to influence their academic development.
Victims of maltreatment and neglect in their early years are likely to develop traits in adulthood that are greatly influenced by experiences during crucial development years.