Homeopathy is a commonly practiced, pseudoscientific form of medicine used since the late 18th Century. Many medical professionals, spiritual guides, and an assortment of other people on both sides of the debate have weighed in on the issue of whether homeopathy is actually effective in positively influencing the health of those who adhere to it.
Yes, homeopathy works
Homeopathy has positively transformed the lives of millions of people around the world, and its benefits are well recorded within the people who adhere to it in all of its many facets.
Successful clinical trials
Despite what the conventional scientific media has reported to the public, there are plenty of clinical studies and scientific papers showing the efficacy of diluting medicine in water and increasing the health of patients.
Conventional medicine today simply uses drugs to temporarily suppress symptoms of illness, while homeopathy provides much smaller doses of extremely specified remedies to heal patients.
The mountain of evidence against the efficacy and scientific credibility behind homeopathy outweighs any potential "benefits" or proven results that homeopaths claim to harbor. Pseudo-science is pseudo-science for a reason.
Does not have improved health benefits compared to conventional medicine
In a multitude of studies done throughout the entirety of the 21st Century, homeopathy, time and time again, has been proven to yield no conclusively beneficial results. Without scientific evidence, homeopathy's efficacy is seriously in question.
In the US, it is now a law that homeopathic companies cannot mislead their consumers by claiming that a specific medicine or element is contained within the solution when it is not.