Will life change after the pandemic?

Right now, the world is stuck in a state of uncertainty. Will citizens have jobs? Will students go back to school? Will the value of money change? It seems impossible to answer these questions as the COVID-19 pandemic drags on. So-will the pandemic change the world as we know it?

Yes, life will change after the pandemic

This view suggests that ways of living will fundamentally change after the pandemic is over. What is 'normal' now shall be drastically different to what is considered 'normal' in the post-pandemic world.

Consumerism could crash

The entire economic system under which we live will be changed as the current consumer business model will prove to be unsustainable without people spending money on live entertainment, coffees at break time, late night drinking, travelling abroad etc. Therefore, many of the businesses that were around before the pandemic may suffer or have to adapt to survive.

Romantic relationships and friendships will have to adapt

People might embrace new ways to communicate and form relationships if the previous meeting places are closed down or inaccessible. Also, losses that people suffer may have a long-lasting psychological effect on the Covid-19 generation, which could also affect how new relationships are formed.

No, life will not change after the pandemic.

This view suggests that things will return to the way they were before the pandemic. 'Normal' ways of living will return.

The pandemic will not end. This is the new normal.

This view suggests that a successful, widely distributed vaccine will not be produced and that people will have to get used to this new lifestyle.
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This page was last edited on Friday, 18 Sep 2020 at 11:58 UTC