Wearing masks has become a contentious issue in the United States at the height of the coronavirus pandemic. From concerns of personal freedom, to skepticism over their effectiveness, to worries of government control. The mask seem to prove effective in other cultures. All of this leaves us with the question... should masks be worn by the public to stop the coronavirus?
Yes, facemasks should be worn by the public.
Facemask use can slow the spread of the pandemic, and can improve public health, and should be worn.
Facemasks help prevent people who have COVID-19 from spreading it to others
Facemasks offer a layer of protection to the person who wears it that helps in inhibiting the further spread of the coronavirus.
No, facemasks do not need to be worn by the public
There are issues with facemasks that make them a poor response to the coronovirus pandemic.
Masks simply don't work at protecting you or stopping the virus from spreading in practice when worn by the general public
In a clinical setting medical grade masks can work, but in practice cloth masks do not work when worn everywhere, all the time by the general public. This is why the CDC, WHO and others for decades have never recommended them at large.