Tech and software development are industries where men are heavily favoured towards men. Is this because men are naturally driven towards these roles or women are turned against it?
Boys clubs prevent women from gaining access
Social structures, networks, and a boys club generally attitude keeps women out of tech and software development.
Technology is designed for men
The design and development of technology cater to male interests and their preference, which is why men lean towards jobs in technology.
From a very young age, society teaches men to pursue leading roles for dominancy and high reward, to outperform women in all fields of work, especially STEM-related.
With a higher percentage of men aiming for tech-related education, most of the jobs are occupied by them in the industry. Due to their dominance, men are offered higher wages than their female peers, which discourages women from joining tech fields.
Men are naturally drawn to things over people, and this tendency leads them towards careers in areas like technology.
Males are more systems-oriented
Systemizing is defined as the drive to analyze or build a rule-based system, and since technology requires a specific set of rules to follow, men are naturally more inclined to work in the industry.