There is a longstanding debate about what factors contribute to forming each human being's identity. Some argue that genes singlehandedly determine our identity, while others claim that our environment does so. Although psychologists regard some combination of these two factors (i.e. nature and nurture) as what shapes us, there is little consensus on the issue.
Nature is more important than nurture
Genetics determine who you are long before your experiences.
Nature is more important than nurture because the way we learn is innate
Noam Chomsky determined that linguistic ability is predetermined by the genetic "initial state" of the Language Acquisition Device. This shows that nature influences our traits and behaviors more than nurture does.
Our experiences, or nurturing, determine who we become.
Nurture is more important than nature because our traits are learned
Albert Bandura used Bobo dolls to prove that aggression is a learned action. This experiment shows that nurture has more of an influence over our behaviors than nature.
The diverse environments in which we develop creates us
Human diversity originates from the infinite combinations of environmental conditions that can exist throughout a person’s life. As much as everyone’s genetics are unique to them, so is their environment.
Nature and nurture intertwine to weave the complex tapestry that is every human being.
We are products of nature via nurture
Our nature is the blueprint for who we’ll be, but nurture is what builds that blueprint into a person. Depending on who builds the blueprint and how (our environment), many different kinds of people can come from just one blueprint (our genes).
Nature cannot exist without nurture, and vice versa
Just as we influence our environment, our environment influences us. We are equally products of both nature and nurture because of this cycle of give and take.
Our genes and our environment shape us, but they don't determine who we are.
Nature versus nurture doesn't matter because we shape our own destiny
The nature versus nurture debate is unnecessarily dichotomous. We are products of the choices we make, which originate from our free will – not genes or our environment.