Should homework be banned?

There has been a recent surge in the discussion around productive study habits for students. Is homework productive and useful, or is it merely an added stress?

Yes, homework should be banned.

Homework only serves to stress out students and shows that the educational system is flawed, as relevant material is being saved for after-class hours, and students are expected to learn material without teachers.

Homework puts an undue amount of stress on students

Students are experiencing higher-than-ever levels of stress due to unprecedented amounts of homework.

Classes should not necessitate homework in order to impart relevant information

If information is not being taught in class, then teachers are not helping students receive that information in the best way possible.

No, homework should not be banned.

Homework is designed by teachers to reinforce concepts taught in class. Homework may need to be adjusted to account for a student's individual circumstances or the class dynamic, but removing homework also removes extra opportunities for students.

Homework ensures students are practicing the material outside of class

Repeating information is one of the best ways to learn.

Homework is a way for students who aren’t as active as participants to prove their learning skills in other ways

Students learn in a myriad of ways, and many use homework to prove their participation instead of in-person commentary.
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