Should women vote for Trump or Biden?

Gender inequality underpins many problems which disproportionately affect women and girls. The include domestic and sexual violence, gender-related pay gaps, lack of access to education, and inadequate healthcare. How the Presidential candidates approach this could swing the female vote. So, should women vote for Trump or Biden?

Women should vote for Trump

Trump has provided hundreds of women the opportunity to serve in his administration. He is a strong leader, and will make decisions in the best interest of women and their families.

Biden will structure his Administration to ensure women’s issues remain at the forefront of policy efforts

Biden will help women navigate work and families

Biden will end violence against women

Biden will make gender-related wage gaps transparent

Trump has given hundreds of women the opportunity to serve in lead roles in his administration

Trump has directed over $200 million per year to technology education grants for women

Trump's Senior Advisor has developed initiatives to deliver assistance to help women succeed in the workplace

Trump is a strong leader who makes decisions in the best interest of women and their families

Women should vote for Biden

Joe Biden has been a consistent supporter of women's rights and will structure his administration to ensure women's issues remain at the forefront of US policy.

Biden will pass the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) so women’s rights are enshrined in the US Constitution

Biden's Vice President is a woman

White women have historically benefited from white supremacy

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This page was last edited on Monday, 19 Oct 2020 at 20:30 UTC