What are the positions on the Green New Deal?

To address the gravity of the climate crisis in the United States, some politicians created a plan called the Green New Deal. The goal of this plan, broadly speaking, is to create a healthy environment for future generations to call home. However, there are numerous positions on the Green New Deal.

The ultimate goal is to stop using fossil fuels entirely

The Green New Deal aims to meet one hundred percent of the United States' power/energy demand through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources. The proponents of this position hope to accomplish this goal within ten years of implementation.

Create a zero-emissions society

Meet one hundred percent of the United States' power/energy demand through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources. The proponents of this position hope to accomplish this goal within ten years of implementation.

Working with farmers to eliminate pollution

A vital point of the Green New Deal is to work with farmers to create a system to promotes farming without pollution and greenhouse gases.

Overhauling the transportation system

Create a transportation system in the United States that utilizes high-speed rail and hybrid technology.

A jobs guarantee

The Green New Deal aims to boost the American economy by creating millions of new jobs.

Supporting industries and workers disrupted by the transition

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