Star Wars is a beloved movie franchise, and Lucasfilms attempted to expand on that franchise with a trilogy of prequels - The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith. But it was met with heavy criticism and despised by fans. A decade later, Disney would try their hand at making Star Wars movies with the Sequel trilogy - The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker. Unfortunately, these movies were also met with a frosty reception. Comparison between the two trilogies is inevitable... so, which were better? The Prequels, or the Sequels?
The Sequels are better than the Prequels
Long have fans decried the failures of the Prequels. There should be no doubt that the Sequels far surpass them.
The Sequel movies had far better production value than the Prequel movies.
George Lucas's direction of the Prequels made them a mess with poor direction, shoddy camera work, and unnecessary and uncanny CGI. The Sequels are simply better put together at the technical level.
The Sequel movies have better scripts and actors than the Prequel movies
Dialogue in the Prequels ranged from nap-inducing to cringe-inducing, and the actors' performances didn't help. By contrast, the Sequel scripts pop off the page, and they're helped by great actors.
The Sequel movies add more to the world and mythology of Star Wars
Though following in the footsteps of the originals, the Sequels added more to the Star Wars universe, boldly blazing new trails and making the Star Wars story richer.
The Sequels failed in a manner never seen before. By comparison, the Prequels are much more preferable.
The Prequel movies have a more consistent story than the Sequels do
The Sequels' story was always divided between many writers, and they suffered for it. By contrast, the Prequels are solely George Lucas's vision, and they benefit from having a cohesive storyline.
The Prequel movies have a more iconic factor than the sequels do
The Sequels are rather forgettable, while the Prequels have lodged their imagery into the imagination of Star Wars fans across the globe. Love it or hate it, iconic elements such as characters and setting make the Prequels more memorable.
The Prequel movies add more to the world and mythology of Star Wars
Though following in the footsteps of the originals, the Prequels added more to the story by boldly blazing new trails and making the Star Wars story richer and more interesting.