Should white people have dreadlocks?

Throughout history, dreadlocks have been significant to cultures around the globe. The matted and locked hairstyle was a way for people to prevent or slow positive energies from leaving the body. More recently, dreads have been an important aspect of Rastafarians and African-American culture in the United States. Yet, when white people try dreadlocks, there is often backlash and accusations of cultural appropriation. Should anyone be allowed to have dreads? Is it cultural appropriation for white people to have dreadlocks?

Yes, white people should be able to have dreadlocks

People should be able to express themselves how they want.

Cultures should be shared

The values and material works that come from a specific culture should be accessible to everyone. Material culture—such as artwork, clothing, and even dreadlocks—does not belong only to the originating culture. Culture belongs to any human who acknowledges and appreciates the meaning attached to a cultural symbol.

Dreadlocks originated in numerous cultures

Since dreadlocks come from multiple cultures, one group of people cannot claim ownership.

Dreadlocks for spiritual reasons

Dreadlocks have many ties to spirituality. A variety of cultures have religious practices surrounding hair, such as Amish people and Hasidic Jewish people. Dreadlocks are just another manifestation of altering one's hair for religious purposes. Anyone who holds those spiritual beliefs surrounding dreadlocks ought to be able to wear them.

No, white people should not have dreadlocks

White people should not have dreadlocks due to cultural and societal influences.

Dreadlocks are a form of cultural appropriation

White people wearing dreadlocks is a form of cultural appropriation.

People with dreadlocks are subjected to unwanted opinions

White people who have dreadlocks often get unsought hate from others.

With dreadlocks, it is harder to find a job

Most work environments discourage dreadlocks, citing them as unclean, unprofessional, or unsafe for work.

Dreadlocks are unhealthy for your hair

Over time, having dreadlocks causes extensive damage to a person's head.

Dreadlocks are irrelevant

There are bigger and more pressing issues of inequality than those who wear dreadlocks.

The focus should be on inequality

The larger issue at hand is eliminating the negative connotations dreadlocks have with marijuana and the judgement of uncommon hairstyles in the workplace.
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