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What are the implications of Kanye West running for President?
Kanye West will split the Democrat vote
Kanye West is strategising to put Trump back in office
The point of Kanye's masterplan is to keep his long time ally President Trump, in office.
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COVID-19: Are government resources better spent on public health or stimulating the economy?
Government resources are better spent on public health
The role of the state is to protect its citizens
Human life is sacred, the economy is not. The government should look after the health and safety of citizens first. If everyone is too sick to work, the economy's health won't matter.
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What are the implications of Kanye West running for President?
Kanye West will split the Democrat vote
Kanye West appeals to young, black Democrats
Polling suggests Kanye is more popular with Democrats than Republicans.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Slow American political response
President Trump chose not to act
The President claimed the threat posed by COVID-19 was exaggerated to avoid taking decisive action.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC