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Does multiculturalism help societies?
Yes, multiculturalism allows for a melting pot of cultures
Multiculturalism builds knowledge
Many cultures compile their own stockpile of knowledge, whether it be old wives' tales or medicinal tricks. With multiculturalism, many more people would have these valuable tips at their disposal.
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Should the monarchy be abolished?
No, we should keep the monarchy
The Royals bring in tourists
The Royal Family are a key part of British history and culture, which many people come to see
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Does multiculturalism help societies?
Yes, multiculturalism allows for a melting pot of cultures
People are able to witness different cultures
If each society were homogeneous in its culture, people would never be exposed to other traditions. When heterogeneity is introduced in a society, people witness differences between their own culture and others. This inspires an appreciation for one's own culture, an interest and curiosity to learn about others, and a powerful social dynamic of group interaction.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC