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Should there be a united Ireland?
Yes, Ireland should be united
A united Ireland would allow Northern Ireland to have a greater voice
In a smaller, and more representative, democracy, the views of Northern Ireland's 1.9m people can be heard, whereas they are currently drowned out by the size of the UK.
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Is the BJP dangerous?
No, the Bharativa Janata Party (BJP) is not dangerous
If the BJP were dangerous, they would have been voted out
For the world’s largest democracy, BJP is not dangerous: if it is perceived as such it will be voted out at the next election.
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Should the monarchy be abolished?
Yes, we should abolish the monarchy
The monarchy is undemocratic
Monarchy is an old model of governance that is goes against the fundamental nature of democracy.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC