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Gender Identity

What should we use as gender-neutral pronouns for non-binary people?
We should use the already-familiar "they/them" as a gender-neutral pronoun for non-binary persons
Using they/them is already familiar to us
For society to adapt to using gender-neutral pronouns, it would be more beneficial to use they/them because this set has already been used to signify gender neutrality for generations.
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What should we use as gender-neutral pronouns for non-binary people?
We should use the already-familiar "they/them" as a gender-neutral pronoun for non-binary persons
Many already accept they/they as proper grammar
In today's society where the LGBTQ community is starting to receive recognition, many English teachers have already adapted and allowed their students to use they/them as gender-neutral pronouns.
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What should we use as gender-neutral pronouns for non-binary people?
It should be up to the individual to decide what their pronouns should be
Individuals may not agree with any current pronoun options
If a specific set of pronouns is made official, there is no guarantee that everyone will feel that it is natural or relevant to them. It would only end up being another pronoun set forced upon unwilling persons who feel they identify as something else entirely.
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What should we use as gender-neutral pronouns for non-binary people?
We should use a new set of gender-neutral pronouns for non-binary persons
A new gender-neutral pronoun would be more meaningful
Using something new would give those in the LGBTQ community a set of pronouns which they can lay claim to. It would be a point of pride to "own" a unique set of pronouns made specifically for the LGBTQ community.
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What should we use as gender-neutral pronouns for non-binary people?
We should use a new set of gender-neutral pronouns for non-binary persons
It is improper grammar to use singular "they/them"
It would be detrimental to learning to change the grammatical rules which are already in place, as students would then have to unlearn old grammar - it is more difficult to unlearn something than it is to learn something new. Therefore it is more logical to use a new set of gender-neutral pronouns.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC