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Is history important?
History is important
History helps us understand ourselves
By studying our cultural and ancestral history, we can gain an insight into ourselves.
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Is history important?
History is important
History gives us a framework in which to shape our lives
Exemplary examples of government, culture, and tech help shape our lives in the present and pave the way for the future.
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Is history important?
History is not important
Studying history does not prepare students for their careers
The time spent on studying history could be better used for taking courses which will further students' careers.
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Is history important?
History is not important
History distracts from the present and future
Studying history distracts us from living and learning in the present, and planning and preparing for the future.
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Is history important?
History is important
History helps us understand the present
By studying historical trends in culture and the economy, we can develop a better understanding of the present.
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Is history important?
History is not important
History is just rote memorization of dates and facts
Students do not retain history lessons because they are bored with memorizing dates and facts which will never be useful in their daily lives.
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Is history important?
History is important
"Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it."
"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it," a variation on the famous quote by George Santayana, is often used as an argument in favor of studying history.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC