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What are the positions on Global Warming?
Climate Change Deniers
Climate Change is real but simply natural and cyclical.
Global warming might be real, but there's little we can do to counteract it because it's the product of natural causes.
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Are there more than two genders?
We should strive for a genderless world
Society will ultimately progress to a point where gender is rendered moot and this will come about through the erosion of gender roles.
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What is "race"?
Race is a biological reality
Some races are genetically predisposed to outperform others
Racial disparities exist because of biological inheritance and genetics.
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What are the views on the legalization of gay marriage?
Gay marriage should be illegal
Gay marriage goes against the institution of marriage
The ideals of the marital institution are not compatible with homosexual relationships.
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Should transgender people use the bathroom that matches their identity?
Transgender people should not use the bathroom that matches their identity
Transgender people are dangerous to cis women
Trans women are more dangerous and predatory than cis women, cis men could also take advantage of the law to gain access to female restrooms
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What are the views on the legalization of gay marriage?
Gay marriage should be illegal
Gay marriage would undermine the fidelity of marriage
Gay people are more prone to extra-marital affairs. Allowing them legal marriage rights would undermine the fidelity of marriage.
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Can white people be victims of racism?
Yes, white people can be victims of racism
To be anti-racist is to be anti-white
The term "anti-racism" has been co-opted by racists intent on obliterating whites. It is used to undermine white communities, and a veiled attempt to couch the coming black supremacy in the language of social justice. This perspective sees the lopsided immigration from Asia and Africa into the West as evidence that these nations intend to wipe out white people. They argue that people should stay within their own home nations - e.g. "Africa for Africans" - and have no place in white countries. When they do move to the West therefore, the so-called "anti-racism" campaigns are part of a much more underhand plan to seize control of white territories. Proponents include Bob Whitaker, Neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
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Can white people be victims of racism?
Yes, white people can be victims of racism
Anti-black "racism" is eugenic truth. Anti-white racism is not.
Blacks have faced historical discrimination because they deserve it. One cannot argue with the facts: proportionately, they commit more crimes, put back less into the economy, breed danger in their neighbourhoods and have much lower standards of education than whites. These are not opinions - they are facts. When we talk about "white-on-black racism" we are really talking about ripping off the band aid of political correctness, and seeing the realities of racial difference that exist across the world. And yet, racism against whites persists. Proponents include the Ku Klux Klan, white pride organisations and white supremacists.
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What was Italy's Immigration Debate in 2018 about?
Italy's immigration debate was about halting immigration
Italian culture will be ruined by immigration
"If we allow immigrants to live among us, we’ll lose our identity"
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What are the positions on Global Warming?
Climate Change Deniers
The benefits of fossil fuels offset their negative impact on the climate
Human progress goes hand in hand with increases in energy consumption; this can be seen in areas such as sanitation. Therefore the net benefit of using hydrocarbons is positive.
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What are the positions on Global Warming?
Climate Change Deniers
Climate Change is a leftwing government hoax
Scientists are being supported by the government to fake their data to show global warming. Climate change is not real, but merely a government hoax.
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What was Italy's Immigration Debate in 2018 about?
Italy's immigration debate was about helping refugees in their own homelands
Moderate Identitarism and legality issues
"Some immigrants can stay, as long as they don’t represent a threat to our national identity"
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Should transgender people use the bathroom that matches their identity?
It is irrelevant
Transgender people require treatment not accomodation
Transgender people suffer from an illness. Rather than trying to accommodate them, we should be trying to treat their mental illness. Transgender people need treatment, not accommodation.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC