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Stephen King

Are Stephen King's novels sexist?
No, Stephen King's novels are not sexist
Stephen King's stories often show females as overcomers
Women overcome all odds in his books, showing strength.
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Are Stephen King's novels sexist?
Yes, Stephen King's novels are sexist
Mother characters are often depicted as monsters
More frequently than not, mother characters in these novels are depicted as villains.
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Are Stephen King's novels sexist?
Yes, Stephen King's novels are sexist
Females are frequently viewed as objects, or associated with them
From Christine to It, women aren't seen as full people in Stephen King's novels.
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Are Stephen King's novels sexist?
Yes, Stephen King's novels are sexist
Stephen King's novels hyper-sexualize women
Whenever a female character is involved, there is almost certainly going to be something sexual.
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Are Stephen King's novels sexist?
Yes, Stephen King's novels are sexist
Stephen King frequently portrays violent acts against women
Women are often subject to domestic violence, abuse, and harassment.
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Are Stephen King's novels sexist?
No, Stephen King's novels are not sexist
Stephen King constantly includes strong female protagonists
Stephen King has an abundance of strong female leads in his stories.
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This page was last edited on Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 10:20 UTC