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Is climate change real?
Yes, climate change is real
Only human emissions account for climate change
Not solar activity, not volcanoes, not natural cycles like el Nino, the data is clear that human activity alone is what is driving the rise in global temperatures.
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Is climate change real?
No, climate change is not real
The earth goes through natural cycles of warming and cooling
The earth has been hotter and cooler in the past. These are natural cycles that we shouldn't worry about.
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Is climate change real?
Yes, climate change is real
Oil companies have known for many years climate change is real
In the 1960s and 70s oil company scientists understood that climate change was real, and the companies worked to hide and obscure this information from the public.
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Is climate change real?
We can't know for sure if climate change is real
The climate and nature are just too big for us to understand
We can't really know for sure what is happening with climate change because the climate and earth systems are too complex for us to understand.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC