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How will coronavirus affect religion?
It will strengthen religious beliefs
Faith is all people can believe in
The world is falling apart, and having faith might be the only thing to get people through.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is the realisation of an age old prophecy
The Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga predicted the virus in the 1970s
Russian state-backed media has alleged that Baba Vanga predicted a devastating global health epidemic akin to COVID-19.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is the realisation of an age old prophecy
Novelist Dean Koontz predicted the COVID-19 in 1981
In his foreboding thriller 'The Eyes of Darkness', Koontz imagines a man-made virus called Wuhan created in its namesake city, sweeping the globe. The novel calls it the 'perfect weapon'.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is economically motivated
COVID-19 is a Chinese government scam to reduce state pension outgoings
The Chinese government has already allowed certain SMEs to back out of established pension obligations and insurance fees to ease the virus' financial burden. Was it pre-empted?
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 can be cured by taking drugs
Cocaine cures COVID-19
Taking the illegal drug, known for its potentially lethal strength, is the only known way to get rid of the virus.
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What has coronavirus revealed about human psychology?
Damaging mental health
The age of anxiety
Isolation is exacerbating underlying feelings of helplessness.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Weak existing infrastructure
An exclusive healthcare system
The US healthcare system naturally excludes most Americans. Negotiating this situation during a pandemic confused policymakers.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is the realisation of an age old prophecy
COVID-19 is the realisation of Nostradamus' 'Great Plague'
Recent interpretations of Nostradamus' predictions see COVID-19 as the long-awaited 'Great Plague' set to ravage a 'Sea City'.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a man made biological weapon
The US and Israel created coronavirus to attack foreign nations
These governments developed the virus together to leverage their positions against both China and the Middle East.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is linked to alcohol consumption
Corona started COVID-19
The virus was named after the famous brewery, following accidental contamination of its beer.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a man made biological weapon
Coronavirus is part of the UK's ongoing biological warfare campaign
The UK developed the virus in the same secret laboratory in which they developed the radioactive drugs that infected the Skripals, and killed Litvinenko.
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What are the most useful skills to learn while social distancing?
Writing skills
Write a short story
The pandemic feels lifted from a science fiction. When reality is stranger than fantasy, the opportunities for imaginative storytelling are endless.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a man made biological weapon
China created COVID-19 to attack foreign nations
The virus was deliberately created in a secret laboratory close to Wuhan. Scientists intended to use the illness to wipe out the US in the battle for global hegemony.
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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will erode international institutions
The Covid-19 pandemic will weaken the United Nations
The UN is under threat as the virus destabilises societies.
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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will force us to re-imagine the international order
The Coronavirus pandemic will shift the East-West power balance
The virus is realigning power dynamics around the world.
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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will force us to re-imagine the international order
Coronavirus will lead to more robust international institutions
This pandemic will prove how important well-funded international bodies are in times of crisis.
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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will force us to re-imagine the international order
The Covid-19 pandemic will diminish 'the nation'
The crisis shows that states must depend on each other.
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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will force us to re-imagine the international order
The Coronavirus pandemic will strengthen 'the nation'
As societies become more inward-facing, the nation will become more important to international relations.
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COVID-19: Are government resources better spent on public health or stimulating the economy?
Government resources are better spent on public health
The role of the state is to protect its citizens
Human life is sacred, the economy is not. The government should look after the health and safety of citizens first. If everyone is too sick to work, the economy's health won't matter.
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Is herd immunity the best way to beat coronavirus?
Herd immunity is a risky bet
Herd immunity is risky because the virus could mutate
Just like any other virus, the coronavirus could mutate and become deadlier than it already is.
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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will erode international institutions
Opposing interests between countries during Covid-19 will weaken the European Union
EU leaders have already come to major disagreement over notional 'corona bonds', which would share post-crisis debt amongst member states. At the heart of this disagreement is the question of sovereignty versus a shared identity.
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Is coronavirus aggravating Islamophobia in India?
Yes, coronavirus is aggravating Islamophobia
A Muslim sect is being blamed for the virus
The Tablighi Jamaat Islamic missionary group is being scapegoated for the pandemic.
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Is coronavirus aggravating Islamophobia in India?
Yes, coronavirus is aggravating Islamophobia
The virus has exacerbated tensions following the Delhi riots
Existing religious have now been given an excuse to grow.
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Is coronavirus aggravating Islamophobia in India?
No, coronavirus is easing religious tensions
The nation stands as one
Shows of solidarity are growing as the country comes together to beat the virus.
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Is coronavirus aggravating Islamophobia in India?
Coronavirus has had no impact on Islamophobia
There are bigger concerns about its spread
Islamophobia is not a major talking point in the Indian fight against coronavirus.
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COVID-19: Are government resources better spent on public health or stimulating the economy?
Government resources are better spent on public health
The strength of the economy depends on an able workforce
If additional funding is not put into protecting citizens from the coronavirus, the economy is doomed.
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COVID-19: Are government resources better spent on public health or stimulating the economy?
This is a false dichotomy
Hardline economism is obscuring the reality of coronavirus
Increasingly, political analyses use statistics and economic forecasts to make decisions. But these can be extremely misleading.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Poor public health response
The FDA acted indecisively
The US Food and Drug Administration failed to act in the interest of the population.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Poor public health response
The FDA acted indecisively
The US Food and Drug Administration failed to act in the interest of the population.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Poor public health response
Failings within the CDC
The CDC was responsible for providing coronavirus testing kits to citizens, and acted too late.
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How will coronavirus affect religion?
It will weaken religious beliefs
Religious leaders are pushing bogus remedies
False cures promoted by religious leaders will lead to a lack of trust in religion.
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How will coronavirus affect religion?
It will weaken religious beliefs
Religion will be blamed for its slow response to the virus
Despite government health warnings, many religions encouraged dangerous activity amongst followers.
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How will coronavirus affect religion?
It will weaken religious beliefs
Millions of deaths will destroy faith in God
The impact of the virus will devastate religious belief.
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How will coronavirus affect religion?
It will create a vacuum for power struggles within religious orders
A papal struggle within the Catholic Church
Rumours that Pope Benedict is conspiring against Pope Francis are everywhere.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Slow American political response
President Trump chose not to act
The President claimed the threat posed by COVID-19 was exaggerated to avoid taking decisive action.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Slow American political response
Putting the economy first
Prioritising economic growth at all costs has led to poor policy decisions.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC