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Does the marketplace of ideas work?
No, the marketplace of ideas does not work
The marketplace of ideas assumes an empathetic fallacy
The idea falsely assumes that making emotional arguments is enough to change people's minds on an issue. This is simply incorrect.
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Does the marketplace of ideas work?
No, the marketplace of ideas does not work
The marketplace of ideas protects and sustains an intellectual oligopoly
An unregulated market of ideas disproportionately benefits a select few. In this way it supports social hierarchy and prevents those at the bottom from changing their circumstances.
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Does the marketplace of ideas work?
No, the marketplace of ideas does not work
The marketplace of ideas has a naive view of social progress
If it worked, society would not repeat its mistakes. That alone is proof that the idea has no legs to stand on.
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Does the marketplace of ideas work?
Yes, the marketplace of ideas works
The marketplace of ideas works, but is compromised
Online bias is sabotaging the free exchange of ideas. There is no such thing as impartiality on the internet.
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Does the marketplace of ideas work?
The marketplace of ideas does not exist
Bias exists in every public forum
No environment exists free from bias. Therefore the very assumption it is based upon is flawed.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Predators born in zoos are likely to die if released
Predatory animals born in captivity are unlikely to survive if released into their natural habitat.
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Does the marketplace of ideas work?
Yes, the marketplace of ideas works
The marketplace of ideas has a clear legal significance
The marketplace of ideas has been used in countless legal cases to defend free speech. The marketplace of ideas has impacted the rules by which we live.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Zoos are created for profit
Zoos force animals to provide entertainment for people.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Zoos give animals poor health
Living in captivity is terrible for an animal's health.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Zoo animals attack people
There have been many reported cases of animals injuring people at zoos.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Zoos remove animals from their environment
Placing animals in zoos removes them from their natural environment.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoos conserve endangered species
Zoos protect animals that have the threat of becoming extinct.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoo animals have a longer life expectancy
Captive animals tend to live longer than their wild counterparts.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoos provide quick and advanced medical care
Captive animals are able to get the medical care they need.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoos provide research opportunities
Scientists are able to study and better understand animals and their natural environments.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoos educate about exotic animals
People learn more information about exotic animals while visiting zoos.
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Is coronavirus aggravating Islamophobia in India?
No, coronavirus is easing religious tensions
The nation stands as one
Shows of solidarity are growing as the country comes together to beat the virus.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Zoos have inadequate living conditions
Ultimately, zoos would have to go to great architectural and environmental lengths to provide the animals with sufficient living space. Zoos cannot give an animal the environment it needs due to monetary and geographical circumstance.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Zoos are unethical because they are dangerous for animals
Keeping animals in captivity disrespects their intelligence and puts them at risk of abuse. Humans do not have the right to trap animals in enclosures for the benefit of our own entertainment and research needs.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC