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How will coronavirus affect religion?
It will strengthen religious beliefs
Faith is all people can believe in
The world is falling apart, and having faith might be the only thing to get people through.
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Is coronavirus aggravating Islamophobia in India?
Yes, coronavirus is aggravating Islamophobia
The virus has exacerbated tensions following the Delhi riots
Existing religious have now been given an excuse to grow.
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Is coronavirus aggravating Islamophobia in India?
No, coronavirus is easing religious tensions
The nation stands as one
Shows of solidarity are growing as the country comes together to beat the virus.
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Is coronavirus aggravating Islamophobia in India?
Yes, coronavirus is aggravating Islamophobia
Government policies set the scene for it to grow
The Modi government has introduced a number of Islamophobic policies, which have normalised behaviours we are now witnessing.
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Is coronavirus aggravating Islamophobia in India?
Coronavirus has had no impact on Islamophobia
There are bigger concerns about its spread
Islamophobia is not a major talking point in the Indian fight against coronavirus.
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Is the BJP dangerous?
Yes, the Bharativa Janata Party (BJP) is dangerous
The BJP is Islamophobic
The BJP encourages and enables anti-Muslim sentiment and passes anti-Muslim policies.
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Is the BJP dangerous?
No, the Bharativa Janata Party (BJP) is not dangerous
The BJP simply exposes existing tensions
The BJP is not dangerous – it is simply revealing the bubbling communal, caste and regional tensions that have always existed.
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Is the BJP dangerous?
Yes, the Bharativa Janata Party (BJP) is dangerous
The BJP has dangerous policies based around Hindutva
Many of the BJP's policies are actively dangerous to some Indian citizens.
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How will coronavirus affect religion?
It will weaken religious beliefs
Religious leaders are pushing bogus remedies
False cures promoted by religious leaders will lead to a lack of trust in religion.
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How will coronavirus affect religion?
It will weaken religious beliefs
Religion will be blamed for its slow response to the virus
Despite government health warnings, many religions encouraged dangerous activity amongst followers.
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How will coronavirus affect religion?
It will weaken religious beliefs
Millions of deaths will destroy faith in God
The impact of the virus will devastate religious belief.
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How will coronavirus affect religion?
It will create a vacuum for power struggles within religious orders
A papal struggle within the Catholic Church
Rumours that Pope Benedict is conspiring against Pope Francis are everywhere.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC