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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Zoos are unethical because they are dangerous for animals
Keeping animals in captivity disrespects their intelligence and puts them at risk of abuse. Humans do not have the right to trap animals in enclosures for the benefit of our own entertainment and research needs.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Predators born in zoos are likely to die if released
Predatory animals born in captivity are unlikely to survive if released into their natural habitat.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoos conserve endangered species
Zoos protect animals that have the threat of becoming extinct.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoo animals have a longer life expectancy
Captive animals tend to live longer than their wild counterparts.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoos provide quick and advanced medical care
Captive animals are able to get the medical care they need.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoos provide research opportunities
Scientists are able to study and better understand animals and their natural environments.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoos educate about exotic animals
People learn more information about exotic animals while visiting zoos.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC