What do Catholics believe?
The differentiating views of Catholicism, as it differentiates itself from other forms of Christianity.
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The Argument
The Christian beliefs of Catholicism are found in the Nicene Creed. The Catholic Church also teaches that it is the one true church and the bishops are the successors of Christ's apostles, and that the pope is the successor to Saint Peter upon whom primacy was conferred by Christ.
Catholicism is based on 'seven sacraments'; seven practices which are said to communicate God's grace to believers. These practices being Baptism, Confirmation or Chrismation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony. Of the seven sacraments, the Eucharist is the principal one, celebrated liturgically in the Mass. The church teaches that through consecration by a priest, the sacrificial bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. Its teaching includes Divine Mercy, sanctification through faith and evangelisation of the Gospel.[1][2]
One of the sacraments is confession, where a person can confess their sins to a priest, express contrition and pay a penance. This may be doing a good deed, but commonly involves praying with the rosary. The person is then absolved from their sins. The priest is bound by the seal of the confessional, even if the person has committed a crime and is likely to do so again.