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What do Eastern Orthodox Christians believe?

Orthodox Christians believe that they practice the true and original Christian faith.
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The Argument

Orthodoxy differs substantially from the other Churches in the way of life and worship, and in certain aspects of theology.[1] The church still claims to be the original and correct Christian faith, established by the apostles.[2] By maintaining the correct form of worshipping God, passed on from the very beginnings of Christianity, they believe that they practice the true doctrine of God in the right (orthodox) way.[1] For Orthodox Christians, worship joins the human being to God in prayer and unites them to the Church, the body of Christ.[3] The main service is called the Divine Liturgy, during which people receive the bread and wine. There are three main parts of Divine Liturgy: the Proskomedia (meaning 'offering', when the bread and wine is prepared), the Liturgy of the Catechumens (focused on the word of God in the Bible) and the Liturgy of the Faithful (focused on the Eucharist).[3] The Great Litany asks for blessings on the Church and the world. Believers ask the saints to offer their prayers to God - this is called the intercession of the saints. Much of the service follows a similar pattern to Roman Catholic Mass and Anglican Holy Communion.[3] Orthodox churches have many symbols including candles, incense and icons. Orthodox Christians do not worship the icons, but pray through the icons to God.[3] Orthodox Services can be elaborate, solemn, and lengthy and they express a deep and pervasive sense of joy. In order to enhance this feeling and to encourage full participation, Services are always sung or chanted.[4][3]

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