Yes, churches should pay taxes
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A church tax would reflect the values of modern society
The tradition of church tax-exemption is antiquated and does not belong in the modern age.
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The Argument
The church tax exemption is antiquated. Historically, this tradition finds its roots in more religious time periods. The modern age leaves no room for such a policy because it no longer assumes the religious involvement of all citizens. Since a portion of modern society's population is non-religious, the government ignores shifting attitudes toward religion by maintaining church tax exemption. A church tax has emerged in many European countries such as Italy, Spain, and Germany, to name a few.[1] By implementing the tax, these communities "caught up" with modern times, and have seen no decline in religious involvement.[2]
Counter arguments
The argument assumes that earlier times were more religious than the modern age. There is no evidence to support this.
[P1] The lack of taxes for churches is a policy from a time when religion played a much more important role in society.
[P2] It is no longer relevant.
Rejecting the premises
[Rejecting P2] People are not necessarily less religious now.