Taxes threaten the survival of churches
Churches would not survive under the financial strain of taxes.
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The Argument
If churches were required to pay taxes, the donations they receive might not be considered tax-deductible, which would threaten their primary means of financial support - donations from participants. Also, a tax would place a new financial burden on the shoulders of religious people. If church members were required to pay a tax, they would be paying personal and church taxes. Because of this, citizens could stop attending religious services.
A decline in attendance would increase religious institutions' financial problems, and eradicate less wealthy churches. The church tax would also become a class issue. If only the wealthy can afford to pay such a tax, the poor would be unfairly ostracized from religious institutions. For these reasons, the church tax threatens the survival of religious institutions.
Counter arguments
[P1] Churches paying taxes would severely threaten their income or pass the costs on to attendees.
[P2] Both of these scenarios would threaten the existence of the churches.