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Who killed John F. Kennedy?
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Oswald's history of violence

Lee Harvey Oswald had a long history of past acts of violence.
conspiracy theory history people politics

The Argument

President Kennedy's assassination was not the first time Lee Harvey Oswald harmed another person; he has an extensive history of violence. Oswald had committed other assassinations and is rumored to have been physically and verbally abusive to his wife, Marina. His known anger issues combined with his strong distaste for the United States government and past military experience pushed him to assassinate President Kennedy out of pure hatred. Oswald was constantly arguing with Marina throughout their marriage. Often their fights would end in Oswald physically abusing her. Marina and their children would regularly move in and out depending on how severe and frequent the abuse was.[1] Approximately six months before JFK's assassination, Oswald attempted to assassinate General Edwin Walker because he was a right-wing extremist. Despite being a short distance from his home office window, Oswald missed and Walker only got shrapnel into his arm.[2]

Counter arguments

The claims that Lee Harvey Oswald was abusive to Marina were never proven true. Additionally, no one reported spotting Oswald trying to shoot General Walker. Oswald could have been lying about the assassination attempt for personal gain. Therefore, it is unfair to assume that either of these accusations against Oswald is true since they are not proven.



[P1] Lee Harvey Oswald had a past history of violence. [P2] Lee Harvey Oswald was suspected to be abusive to his wife. [P3] Lee Harvey Oswald had anger issues. [P4] Lee Harvey Oswald attempted to assassinate General Walker. [P5] Therefore, Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK.

Rejecting the premises

[Rejecting P2] It is not confirmed that Oswald was abusive. [Rejecting P4] No witnesses reported seeing Oswald fire the gun.


This page was last edited on Tuesday, 14 Apr 2020 at 19:52 UTC

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