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Will AI take our jobs?
No: there will always be jobs for humans
Labour displacement is normal
Technology has always resulted in the displacement of human labour
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Who killed John F. Kennedy?
Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK
The Warren Commission
The U.S. government concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated John F. Kennedy.
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Have emojis changed the world?
No, the impact of emojis is exaggerated.
Emojis are reminiscent of archaic ancient hieroglyphics and their use
Since ancient times, humans have always used images to communicate. The use of such symbols to portray objects and even ideas has been around for tens of thousands of years. Emojis are just the latest iteration of this historic practice. But that does not mean that they are essential; they are a modern manifestation of a written practice which is outdated and does not express things as clearly as a true written language does.
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Who killed John F. Kennedy?
The CIA killed JFK
The CIA disagreed with JFK
The CIA disagreed with Kennedy's politics prior to his assassination.
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Who killed John F. Kennedy?
Lyndon B. Johnson killed JFK
Unsatisfied as vice president
Lyndon B. Johnson wasn't happy in his position as vice president.
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Who killed John F. Kennedy?
The Soviet Union killed JFK
Lee Harvey Oswald was working for the Soviet Union
Lee Harvey Oswald could have been operating as a KGB agent for Russia.
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Who killed John F. Kennedy?
The mafia killed JFK
Jack Ruby
Jack Ruby murdered Lee Harvey Oswald, proving that he was working as part of a larger organization.
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Who killed John F. Kennedy?
The mafia killed JFK
Robert Kennedy's moves against organized crime
JFK's brother, Robert Kennedy, had a major influence over organized crime.
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Who killed John F. Kennedy?
The mafia killed JFK
Sam Giancana
Famous Chicago mobster Sam Giancana had a long and complex history with the Kennedy family.
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Who killed John F. Kennedy?
Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK
Oswald's history of violence
Lee Harvey Oswald had a long history of past acts of violence.
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Who killed John F. Kennedy?
Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK
Oswald's connection to the murder weapon and location
Lee Harvey Oswald owned the gun used to kill JFK and worked in the building he assassinated him from.
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Who killed John F. Kennedy?
The CIA killed JFK
The umbrella man's timely appearance when JFK was shot in the Zapruder film
A suspicious person appeared during the time when JFK was shot. He was seen in the Zapruder film with a black umbrella. Because he was the only person with an umbrella on a sunny day, near the road when JFK was shot, he could very well have been involved with the assassination plan.
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Who killed John F. Kennedy?
Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK
Oswald's interest in communism
Oswald's political beliefs led him to defect to the Soviet Union.
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Who killed John F. Kennedy?
The CIA killed JFK
Missing information from the Warren Commission
The U.S. government excluded information from the Warren Commission report.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC