The student loan incentive
Student loans benefit society in the long run by incentivising graduates.
student loans
tertiary education
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The Argument
While student loan defaults can be a burden on society,[1] affordable student loans incentivise educated individuals to work harder. Student loan default, which is the failure to pay back a loan as promised,[2] occurs when loans are unaffordable. In instances where student loan debt is excessive, the thought of carrying that debt can be discouraging. However, when utilized correctly, student loan debt can be a tool to motivate the most qualified individuals in the workforce.
When students know that they will be carrying debt with them, they will tend to seek and/or create higher-paying jobs. This benefits society as a whole, because intelligent and highly trained individuals have an incentive to succeed. Failure would mean financial ruin for a student, and having a group of qualified and motivated individuals helps drive the economy.[3]
Counter arguments
Although they may be more likely to be paid back as promised, affordable loans are not default-proof by nature. Recessions happen, the economy is not always growing and strong. This can make it extremely difficult for even the most affordable loans to be paid back. Sometimes there just simply aren't enough jobs for graduates, making it very difficult to pay back loans no matter how incentivized the graduate is.
[P1] Graduating with student loans is as much a psychological challenge as it is a financial one.
[P2] Students having student loans to pay off incentivizes them to be successful.
Rejecting the premises
[Rejecting P1] Graduating with student loans is a financial challenge first and foremost.