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tertiary education
Who should bear the cost of public tertiary education?
Tertiary education should be subsidized by the government
The sustainability of affordable education
Subsidizing education would help alleviate economic barriers without exhausting government funds.
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Who should bear the cost of public tertiary education?
Tertiary education should be funded wholly by the government
The equity of no-cost education
For some, the cost of tertiary education is a barrier to entry that can be removed through increased funding.
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Who should bear the cost of public tertiary education?
Tertiary education should be subsidized by the government
The student loan incentive
Student loans benefit society in the long run by incentivising graduates.
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Who should bear the cost of public tertiary education?
Tertiary education should be funded wholly by the government
Endowment funding
Some public tertiary education systems have accounts with as much as $30.9 billion that are seldom used.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 16 Apr 2020 at 12:34 UTC