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Should there be a tax on sugar?
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Sugar should be taxed because it's actually an addictive substance

While not a drug, sugar can be an addictive substance. That doesn’t change the fact the body can become dependent on it or even throw a person into withdrawal. Not only that but it can cause a plethora of health problems.

The Argument

Many people find themselves craving sweet things on a diet or going straight for the ice cream tub for some comfort after a bad day. Many people are of the belief that eating something sweet will make you feel better and they're right.[1] Eating sugar allows for the body to release endorphins during the 'sugar rush'. However, despite the gratifying feeling, sugar itself isn’t a healthy substance. It's only recently that people are starting to really discover its effects since it's gone from luxury good to a common household item. Too much of anything is never good and unfortunately sugars the thing people can never get enough of. Even with its status as candy and baked goods sugar is similar to a drug in the fact that it can be rather addictive.[2] If people had self control this wouldn't be a problem but as seen with America the obesity rate is 36.5% for adults and one of the leading causes for this problem is cheap foods. Food items which contain high amounts of sugar. Taxing sugar will help promote a healthy lifestyle choices and force businesses to start using healthier alternatives than pure sugar. While in the beginning it'll take time to adjust but in the long run it'll be helpful and generate much needed tax dollars that'll go to something more. .

Counter arguments

While sugar does have addictive qualities, likening it to drugs is counterproductive.[3] Sugar is a chemical formation and would effect the body like any form of ingestible chemicals. Salt, which can cause the body to crave water, or even iron which helps the red blood cells in your body. With sugar, it's a case of self control and restraint. Too much of anything is bad for you. Too much salt causes a rise in blood pressure and in serve cases lead to lead hypernatraemia. Too much iron can cause iron toxicity and cause damage to the gastrointestinal system. It's not just sugar that can have adverse side effects. While sugar can be a tough craving there are healthier alternatives, such as fruit, that can be eaten instead. It's not as if people haven't been concerned about their health either and much of today's current food culture is put towards dieting and healthy eating.[4] If sugar was to be taxed it could not be taxed as a drug, lacking the more dangerous and extreme mind altering properties other drugs have. Its own properties are mild in comparison.



[P1] Sugar causes the body to release endorphins when consumed but does not maintain those chemical highs much like drugs [P2] Sugar is a leading cause in high obesity rates

Rejecting the premises

[RP1] People are aware of the health problems sugar can cause and have been looking for ways to cut down their sugar intake


This page was last edited on Sunday, 11 Oct 2020 at 21:06 UTC

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