When buying groceries you usually get a receipt and on the receipt is a section for the tax. Now the tax varies from state to state but despite what people might think it’s not the individual items that have a tax on them. Sugar itself is untaxed but people are starting to wonder if it should be.
Yes, there should be a tax on sugar
Sugar is both unhealthy and unnecessary for consumption. A tax would help generate money that can go back to the community.
Sugar is not a substance the body requires to function
The body only really requires glucose to function properly. Glucose helps create insulin. It's a monosaccharide and one of the most simple sugars found in almost everything a person consumes. Sucrose, table sugar, on the other hand is a disaccharide found in most sweets and not required to function.
Sugar should be taxed because it's actually an addictive substance
While not a drug, sugar can be an addictive substance. That doesn’t change the fact the body can become dependent on it or even throw a person into withdrawal. Not only that but it can cause a plethora of health problems.
Sugar is a commodity and should continue to be exempt from taxes usually placed on cooked or baked food items.
Sugar should not be taxed because it is no longer a luxury good
Sugar used to be a luxury good that only the rich could afford. In today's world sugar is no longer a luxury good but a household item. No longer is it reserved for the wealthy. With its new status of being a. it is no longer a luxury good nor should it be taxed as such.
When it comes to sugar people cannot get enough of it. There are entire businesses dedicated to sweets and not a soul hasn't dreamed of seeing Wonka's chocolate factory for themselves. As such a prevalent and common item in today's society can it be fairly taxed?
To tax sugar leaves the question of what's counted as sugar
When people say sugar the first thing that comes to mind is table sugar, then sweets, fruit, candy, and so on. All of these contain sugar so if sugar is tax would the tax be restrained to a tax, or would it include all things that contain sugar. The question is how drastic would the tax be?